Assignment # 0
Create a Vimeo account and email me the link.
This Vimeo page is where you will post all production assignments for the semester.
Due: January 19th
5 Points
Assignment # 1
View the film 97% and write shoot and edit a 90-second film that tells a story using visual storytelling techniques.
Rules: you can use text, music, and any other narrative elements you choose to create the film but it must contain no lines of spoken dialog.
Edit the film on Adobe Premier CC, installed on all computers in the Cass Labs.
Consider: What is the protagonist’s objective (what do they want), what gets in the way of achieving this objective (the obstacles), and does the protagonist finally get what they want (resolution). Also consider that all elements above must be included in a 2-minute film.
Strategies: Limit the temporal and spacial context of the film. Films shot in one place with a continuous timeframe are especially suited for this assignment. Multiple locations and times will appear jarringly fragmented in a two minute film.
Due: Post the film to your Vimeo page by Midnight, Monday/Tuesday February 5 or 6.
10 Points